Since 2005, VITCO/Vira Idea Trade. Co. has been a trusted supplier of IVF products through its strong partnership and collaboration with reputable manufacturers and trusted brands in the field from around the globe. Our commitment is to provide the best and innovative products, keeping our focus on quality and safety. VITCO is proud to be the supplier of choice for many scientific and IVF medical centers and universities.
Our Vision: Improvement of pregnancy rate and better services to both Healthcare professionals and patients, As we grow, other specialized lines will be added, according to markets demand, we shall be looking forward to servicing you and our collaboration.

Almost 1,000,000 Embryo Transfer Catheters sold in last 5 years to all IVF Clinics in Iran!
Somatex GmbH , Irvine Scientific , IM services B.V , Coopersurgical and other brands of Embryo Transfer Catheters and now in market with Allwin Medical Bulb Transfer Star Ecogenic Embryo Transfer Catheters.

More than 120 FISH, Karyotyping & Automated slide Scanning systems from Metasystems HW&SW Germany has been installed in Iran!
Highest Sales of Xcyting DNA probes kits – XA for Aneuploidy detection in Middle East in 2018-2019.

Almost 1,000,000 ICSI Micropipettes from Sunlight Medical US are sold in Iran!
We are the market leader of Micropipettes from 2010 till now . No competition !

Almost 1,000,000 Embryo Vitrification Device CRYYOLOCK are sold in Iran!
Second Most reliable vitrification device imported to Iran after Cryotop and now we are the market leader for this device!